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RSPIK 22nd Anniversary Celebration

On July 19, 2022, RSPIK celebrated its 22nd anniversary. As a form of gratitude for the increasing age, RSPIK held a series of events with patients, their families, and the community.

The celebration began with a public seminar on Sports Injury Management, featuring Dr. Kiki Novito, Sp. OT (K), on July 16th, 2022, at the RSPIK Auditorium on the 1st floor. The seminar was attended by patient families, patients, and the community around RSPIK.

The celebration continued with a visit to inpatients on July 19th, 2022. We shared some souvenirs and interacted with patients who were receiving treatment. The series of activities concluded with a seminar on digestive disorders and the management of gallbladder stones, featuring Dr. Mario Steffanus, Sp. PD, and Dr. Handy Wing, Sp. B-KBD. The seminar was held in person while adhering to health protocols. The community who attended the seminar was very enthusiastic about discussing the symptoms they experienced, especially mild sports injuries, daily digestive problems, and signs of gallbladder stones. It is hoped that through this seminar, the community can continue to increase their knowledge about diseases and be able to independently prevent them at home and seek immediate medical attention at the hospital if they experience further complaints. RSPIK is committed to continuing to serve the RSPIK community with enthusiasm and earning the trust of the public in the future.