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Vertigo is a symptom that causes sufferers to feel dizzy and have their heads spinning. Vertigo is a symptom of a health problem, not a disease itself.

Common vertigo symptoms:

  • Dizzy spinning
  • Ears ringing
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headache
  • Sweating
  • Hearing disorders
  • Losing balance
  • Difficulty focusing vision

Vertigo can interfere with daily activities, especially if the attack is severe and lasts a long time.

Causes of vertigo:

  • Disorders of the inner ear
  • Brain disorders, such as infection, stroke, or brain injury

Types of vertigo:

  • Central vertigo, caused by disorders of the brain
  • Peripheral vertigo, caused by disorders of the nerves or balance organs in the inner ear


To find out the cause and appropriate treatment, the sufferer needs to see a doctor.