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24th RSPIK Anniversary

24th RSPIK Anniversary
July 19 2024 is a special day for Pantai Indah Kapuk Hospital where on July 19 RSPIK will be 24 years old. Of course it's not a short time for a service. With various efforts, innovation and creativity, RSPIK strives to continue serving the community both in improving the quality of human resources, medical support facilities and developing service facilities. With the aim of continuing to meet the needs of the wider community for health services, RSPIK also listens to all suggestions and aspirations of the community. As a form of celebration of getting older, RSPIK held a series of celebrations including a Healthy Dialogue containing disease information, Sharing Love by visiting all inpatients, sharing happiness by involving the community in community dance competitions and sharing joy with all employees with special employee dance competitions. Interspersed with entertainment events, door prizes and hospitality.
We hope that sharing happiness on this special day can have a positive impact on society and employees.