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Titanium Executive
Titanium Executive Medical Package
Rp 15.500.000
Rp 14.500.000
Pesan Paket Medis

Examination by Doctor:

  • General Practitioners
  • Cardiologist
  • ENT
  • Dentist
  • Dermatology and Gender
  • Ophthalmologists
  • Obstetrician (Women Only)
  • Neurologist

Thorax PA (Chest X-ray)

Ultrasound Abdomen – Pelvis

Mammography (Women only)

Bone Densitometry (Women only)


MSCT Cardiac (Heart)

MRI & MRA Brain

MRV of the Neck (MR of the Vessels of the Neck)

Echo Color Doppler (Heart)

Spirometry (Lung Function)


Ankle Brachial Index (Criminal Vessel Disease Screening)

Photo of Fundus (Eye)

Pap smear (Women only)

Laboratory :

  • Complete blood (including blood type)
  • Liver Profile : Total Bilirubin, SGOT, SGPT, Gamma GT, Alkali Phosphatase, Albumin
  • Kidney Profile : BUN/Ureum, Creatinine, Uric Acid
  • Fat Profile : Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides, HDL/LDL
  • Blood Sugar : Fasting, HbA1c
  • Complete urine
  • Complete Stool + Occult Blood
  • Hepatitis : HBsAg, Anti HBs, Anti HCV
  • Tumor Markers : CEA, AFP, CA 19-9, CA-125 (Women only), PSA (Men only)
  • Thyroid : T4, TSH
  • Urine Cytology (Kidney and Urinary Tract Malignancy Screening)
  • Total Calcium

Meals 2x

Consultation for Examination Result

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