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Company Health Talk - Bing Han

RSPIK regularly giving health information through health talk that are held offline at the hospital or outside the hospital. Health talk outside the hospital is carried out in collaboration with the morning exercise community or certain associations. This time RSPIK is collaborating with Bing Han in a health talk about Stroke, the symptoms, prevention and treatment. Stroke is a disease that occurs due to disruption of blood supply to the brain, so that the brain tissue is deprived of oxygen and nutrients which causes the death of brain cells. Stroke can be life-threatening if not treated quickly and appropriately. 

For this reason, RSPIK presented a Neurologist, dr. Derfiani Prinda Hussein, Sp. S on April 1st 2023 at the Bing Han Pluit Office, the event was held for both offline and online. The event was attended by 130 participants, many participants asked questions about the symptoms they often experience and what things can be done at home as a stroke prevention, especially those related to lifestyle. It is hoped that through this healthy dialogue the participants will benefit from maintaining their health and participate actively if a family member experiences stroke symptoms.