Handled by Gastro Entero Subspecialist Internal Medicine specialists and other related specialists, equipped with modern diagnostic and operative support equipment to ensure professional and comprehensive services.
Can provide inspection:
- Urea Breath Test
- Gastroscopy (Gastric Binoculars) is used to evaluate, diagnose and even perform therapy for patients with upper digestive disorders using a thin tube (equipped with a light source and a special camera inserted through the mouth).
Indication :
- Symptoms of digestive disorders that persist after administration of drugs
- Symptoms of indigestion accompanied by other symptoms or signs such as weight loss or individuals over 45 years of age
- Difficulty swallowing and painful swallowing
- Symptoms of acid reflux (feeling hot in the chest, feeling sour in the throat in the morning) that persist or recur
- Repeated vomiting of unknown cause
- Colonoscopy (Intestinal Binoculars) using a camera to enter the intestine through the anus.
Indication :
- Bloody bowel movements
- Lower abdominal pain
- Chronic diarrhea
- Polyps in the colon
- Changes in bowel habits
- ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography) where this action is used to treat diseases of the bile duct and pancreas.
- TACE (Trans Arterial Chemo Embolization) where the drug can be directly inserted into the tumor site via a micro-catheter followed by embolization (blockage) of the feeding artery so that liver tumors that were previously inoperable can now be operated on. Tumors are smaller and easier to operate thereby reducing the spread in the body.