Recognizing Colic in Babies
Crying is a normal thing for babies to do as a form of communication to convey their desires or what they feel, such as when their diaper is wet, when they feel hungry or cold, when they are tired and want to sleep or also when they feel there is pain in their body. However, if the baby cries continuously all the time, of course this will make the mother worried. Let's find out what the causes are and how to deal with them.
Babies who cry more than 3 (three) hours a day for 3 (three) days or more a week and have been doing this in the last 1 (one) week for no apparent reason can be diagnosed as infantile colic or infant colic. Colic usually starts to occur in babies aged 2-3 weeks, reaches its peak at 6-8 weeks of age and can last until 5 months of age. Colic in babies is not a disease, it does not affect the baby's weight. The baby's weight continues to increase according to his age.
The causes of colic in babies consist of various factors such as maternal factors (mother's age, level of education, maternal anxiety and depression, history of alcohol consumption or smoking in the mother, method of feeding), environmental factors (poor mother and child interaction), infant factors (infant temperament, excessive air swallowing, bowel movement disorders, changes in intestinal microbiota). Only around 5-10% of colic in babies is caused by organic disorders, such as gastro esophageal reflux disease, allergies, especially to cow's milk protein, lactose intolerance or the baby's body's inability to digest lactose. If a baby finds symptoms or danger signs that indicate organ problems, you should immediately consult a doctor so that appropriate therapy can be given.
In recent years, much research has been carried out to determine the role of probiotics in colic in babies. Probiotics are living microorganisms that are beneficial because they can balance the composition of the intestinal microbiota. Based on existing data, babies with infantile colic have lower gut microbiota diversity and stability compared to babies without colic. These changes suggest that disturbances in the balance of the gut microbiota may play a role in the occurrence of colic in babies.
Several studies conducted have shown that administering certain strains of probiotics such as Bifidobacteriumsp and Lactobacillussp can reduce colic symptoms. The duration and number of crying episodes in babies with colic decreased significantly after administration of probiotics. This of course has a good impact on the quality of the baby's sleep and also the psychological condition of the parents. Probiotics can reduce the number of bowel movements and improve stool consistency. Apart from that, probiotics can also act as immunomodulators in the baby's intestines so that they can provide protection against gastrointestinal infections.
Giving medication to babies who have colic is not recommended. Anti-cholinergic drugs such as cimetropium and dicyclomine can reduce the duration of crying, but have serious side effects such as lethargy, apnea and coma. Simethicone and proton pump inhibitor drugs have also been proven to be ineffective in treating colic in babies.
Empathy and reassurance are the main keys in treating babies with colic. Child care with good interaction, good eating patterns and giving the child a hug while sleeping reduces the symptoms of colic in babies. Wrong handling of babies can cause problems in the physical and mental condition of the child/family. Mothers and caregivers need to get enough rest to avoid stress and depression. Mothers who experience depression can affect the baby's subsequent mental, social emotional and cognitive development.